Thursday, November 7, 2013

Cutting to the Chase of Comprehension

As most of us started teaching, long before anyone talked about standards or tried to measure our effectiveness with a single snapshot test, our biggest concern was what should we be teaching.  What is the course of study for their grade? How can I adapt and modify the materials so that all students will get the content they should know and be ready for the next grade level.

Fast forward a few years...we find ourselves in the middle of a transition to the Common Core Standards.  The standards give us answers to only one question, what should the students be able to do at the end of the course. While this question is central to teaching, it is not the only question that needs to be answered.   As we work together to uncover and expand on the unknowns of the Common Core, the document does hold information to help us create a map of what we can do and focus our time, collaborative conversations, and lessons on.

(The following list was gleaned from the verbs and word phrases from the introduction of the Common Core State Standards)
What the standards DO value in reading comprehension
close attentive reading
critical reading
reasoning and use of evidence
comprehend, evaluate, synthesize
understand precisely
cite specific evidence
evaluate others' point of view
reading independently and closely

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Academic Vocabulary the Sixth Shift in the Common Core

The Common Core identifies six instructional shifts needed to effectively implement the standards in ELA and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.  Shift 6 suggests an instructional change in the teaching of Academic Vocabulary. While there are many specific vocabulary standards in the K-12 Language strand, it’s helpful and important to look at Academic Vocabulary from the big picture view known as Shift 6.  I found this blog to be helpful as we begin to build an understanding of the Common Core Standards.

"No Tears for Tiers:  Common Core Tiered Vocabulary Made Simple” by  Dr. Kimberly was originally published on
The Common Core State Standards place an importance on academic vocabulary. In addition to developing an advanced vocabulary, the CCSS calls for increasing the amount of nonfiction and informational text in classrooms. We know that vocabulary knowledge influences fluency, comprehension, and student achievement. And, vocabulary plays an even more important role in understanding nonfiction and informational text. It has been estimated that 80% of comprehension in nonfiction is dependent upon understanding the vocabulary.
In Appendix A of the Common Core Standards, the Tiered Vocabulary framework by Isabel Beck is summarized. To many educators, the idea of tiered vocabulary is rather new. In this post, I’ll define Tiered Vocabulary and lay out a simple framework for thinking about the tiers, including examples for each tier, and provide implications for instruction.

Tiered Vocabulary: Definitions and Examples

Definition: Tiered Vocabulary is an organizational framework for categorizing words and suggests implications for instruction. (The three-tier framework was developed by Isabel Beck and Margaret McKeown.)
Tier 1: Common, Known Words
Examples: big, small, house, table, family
Tier I words are basic, everyday words that are a part of most children’s vocabulary. These are words used every day in conversation, and most of them are learned by hearing family, peers, and teachers use them when speaking. These words are especially important for English language learners who may not be familiar with them.
Tier 2: High-Frequency Words (aka Cross-Curricular Vocabulary)
Tiered Vocabulary
Examples: justify, explain, expand, predict, summarize, maintain
Tier 2 words include frequently occurring words that appear in various contexts and topics and play an important role in verbal functioning across a variety of content areas. These are general academic words and have high utility across a wide range of topics and contexts.
Another way to think of Tier 2 vocabulary is as cross-curricular terms. For example, the term “justify” and “predict” frequently appear in Science, Social Studies, and English texts.
Tier 3: Low-Frequency, Domain-Specific words
Examplesisotope, tectonic plates, carcinogens, mitosis, lithosphere
Tier 3 words are domain specific vocabulary. Words in this category are low frequency, specialized words that appear in specific fields or content areas. We anticipate that students will be unfamiliar with Tier 3 words. Beck suggests teaching these words as the need arises for comprehension in specific content areas.

Instructional Implications

Understanding tiered vocabulary has practical applications for the Common Core and classroom instruction.
Listed below are several instructional implications.
1. Content Vocabulary Lists
First, as teachers work through content units to create key vocabulary lists, understanding the three tiers can help separate the “should-know words (Tier 3)” from the “must-knows (Tier 2)” and the “already-known words (Tier 1).” Too frequently, vocabulary lists are unnecessarily long. That leads to just-in-time cramming and promptly forgetting the words following the quiz or test.
2. Focus for InstructionVocabulary Quote 
There isn’t enough time in the day for teachers to teach all words with the same amount of emphasis. Multiple exposures and practice are key characteristics of effective vocabulary instruction.
Tier 2 words are important for students to master and understand deeply. Why? Because academic words such asjustify, expand, maximum, and barren are found in many content area texts such as social studies, Science, Mathematics, English, and History texts. Understanding these terms greatly increases comprehension of academic texts.
Creating a streamlined list of words helps teachers focus their instructional efforts and use strategies that help students master these terms. There are many evidenced-based vocabulary strategies. One of my favorites isMarzano’s 6-Step Vocabulary Process which includes multiple exposures, linguistic and nonlinguistic definitions, and games to reinforce word learning.
Math Dictionary
Math Dictionary for
3. Digital Tools to Support Word Learning
In today’s 21st century classrooms, digital tools must coexist alongside more traditional tools to help students increase their word learning and master academic terms. Online tools, compared to their more traditional counterparts, provide a broader array of information about words and word meanings. In addition, some tools allow teachers to easily customize words so that students can practice, review, and play games with content or unit-specific words.

Then, you need to think about how you will teach some of those words, particularly Tier 2 vocabulary. Check out 5 Simple Steps to Effective Vocabulary Instruction - you’ll get a few solid ideas and strategies there.
Put simply, creating tiered vocabulary lists and effective vocabulary instruction support student learning, achievement, and the Common Core State Standards.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Supporting Students & Parents

As we get closer to the Common Core implementation date of 2014, districts, administrators and teachers are finding themselves challenged by the task of moving from well-established state standards to the new standards, which will almost certainly require unanticipated change in the way teachers teach and students learn.  Which can also lead to unanticipated change for parents.  It will be just as important to get parents involved, to help them understand what the changes are and why they are occurring. But, what do parents need to know about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? Building an understanding of the CCSS and how they will affect teaching and assessing mathematics and English language arts is a great place to start. Describing and sharing the benefits of preparing students for the 21st century and what parents can do to prepare for the CCSS will go along way as we implement the Common Core.  
Below I have listed 2 resources from the Council of the Great City Schools  which provide parent roadmaps in English/Language Arts and mathematics to assist K-8 parents in navigating the Common Core State Standards.  
K-8 English Language Arts
K-8 mathematics

Monday, August 12, 2013

Smarter Balanced-Practice Test

The sample items and performance tasks provide an early look into the depth of understanding of the CCSS that will be measured by the Smarter Balanced assessment system. While the items and tasks are not intended to be used as sample tests, educators can use them to begin planning the shifts in instruction that will be required to help students meet the demands of the new assessments.
The practice tests include questions with the same features that students will experience in 2014-15, including
  • Selected response items
  • Constructed response items
  • Technology enhanced items
  • Performance tasks (currently, the practice tests include performance tasks for ELA/Literacy, math performance tasks will be added by the end of summer)

Performance tasks allow teachers to dig into the Common Core and learn more about how the standards will be assessed.  Performance tasks include activities that involve significant interaction of students with stimulus materials and/or engagement in problem solving.  
The practice tests provide a preview of SBAC, but they do not encompass the full range of content the students will encounter, and should not be used to guide instructional decisions.  However, they provide an important opportunity for teachers, students, parents, and other interested parties to experience the features of online testing and gain insight into how Smarter Balanced will assess students' mastery of the Common Core.
The sample items and tasks can be found at    (Select "sign in" as a GUEST)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Shifting into Math

Continuing the Common Core conversation with Math as our focus...focus also happens to be one of the key shifts in the Common Core Standards.  Rather than racing to cover topics in today's miles wide, inches deep curriculum, teachers use the power of the eraser and significantly narrow and deepen the way time and energy is spent in the math classroom.  Teachers can focus deeply on the major work of each grade so that students can gain strong foundations: solid conceptual understanding, a high degree of procedural skill and fluency, and the ability to apply the math they know to solve problems inside and outside the math classroom.  
Below I have included several different kinds of resources that will help teachers begin the transition in the Common Core Math Standards and Practices.

Prepublication Version of the Mathematical Common Core Content Standards

Draft Math Framework

Math Resources Document (15 pages)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Literacy-the Wired Kind

Literacy instruction traditionally refers to the teaching of basic literacy skills—reading, writing, listening, and speaking. In today's digital world, however, technology has contributed to an expanded understanding of literacy. Besides having basic literacy skills, today's students, also addressed and referred to in the Common Core Standards, will also need technology skills for communicating, investigating, accessing and using information, computing, and thinking critically to be truly 21st Century College and Career Ready.  This last statement stopped me in my tracks, "What does that really look like for students in the classroom?" The article below I found in Educational Leadership seemed like a good place to start.
March 2013 | Volume 70 | Number 6
Technology-Rich Learning Pages 38-43

New Literacies and the Common Core

William Kist
The Common Core State Standards recognize that to thrive in the newly wired world, students need to master new ways of reading and writing.
A group of high school students stares intently at the famous crop-duster sequence from Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest. Cary Grant is standing alone at the side of a deserted highway. As film buffs know, Grant isn't alone for long; a mysterious crop-duster plane soon appears out of nowhere and begins dive-bombing him, chasing him down the road until he is forced to take cover in a cornfield. As the students watch the film, they look for moments when editing cuts have been made by the film editor. Each time an edit occurs (when one shot switches to another), they clap their hands. The students' claps become closer and closer together, and it becomes evident that as the scene picks up in intensity, Hitchcock and his film editor have also picked up the pace of the cuts.
This activity is just one of many that I've seen over the last 15 years as I've observed teachers around the world experimenting with a variety of new (and old) media in their classrooms.1  More recently, I've also witnessed the serious work going on in the United States to implement the Common Core State Standards by 2013–14. I've been struck by how many learning activities and assignments that include some form of the new literacies are perfectly aligned with these new standards.
It makes sense that an emphasis on new ways of reading and writing fits easily within the Common Core umbrella. After all, a primary thrust of the new standards is college and career readiness. How can we hope to prepare our young people to thrive in today's society—in which people are connected 24 hours a day by media and coworkers may well live in different countries—without giving them some practice with new media at school?
And it's more than just an employment issue; it's also a quality-of-life issue. Sharing recipes or sports scores with a Canadian or British friend on Pinterest has become as easy as opening the door and leaning on the backyard fence to chat with a next-door neighbor. As people increasingly interact with the world online, a typical American's daily newspaper might be the online English version of Le Monde.
The teachers I have studied take the preparation of students to participate in a wired world seriously, and much of this preparation involves making sure that students are able to navigate new ways of reading and writing. Here are four strategies that can help—each one closely related to one or more of the Common Core standards in English language arts and literacy.2 

Give Students Practice Reading Screen-Based Texts

Relevant Common Core Standards:
  • Reading Standards for Literature, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Standard 7, Grade 7. Compare and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version, analyzing the effects of techniques unique to each medium (for example, lighting, sound, color, or camera focus and angles in a film).
  • Reading Standards for Informational Text, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Standard 7, Grades 11–12. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (for example, print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea.
Some of the new media classroom activities that I've observed focus on helping students gain practice in a key skill advocated by the Common Core standards: the ability to read texts closely—to be text detectives. As students enter a world in which they will do much of their reading and writing on a screen, it makes sense to start by looking at nonprint texts, such as in the genres of video, music, and visual art.
There are actually close parallels between screen-based reading and page-based reading, as I've discovered working with my classes of preservice teachers on some close-reading activities using film. Starting with an idea suggested by media educator Frank Baker, I show the first few minutes of the opening episode of the television series Lost without providing any introductory comments. Then students break into small groups, and each group is provided with a description of a film element (see "Prompts for Close Reading of Nonprint and Print Text" on p. 41). For example, they may be assigned to look closely at the lighting or to listen to the music or sound effects. The theme of Lost is the epic human battle between good and evil. So the students who are assigned to the lighting group always point out how the scene begins in darkness and then, as the main character regains consciousness, he moves toward light.

Prompts for Close Reading of Nonprint and Print Text

After doing this exercise just one time, many students report that they see the video clip in an entirely new way. "I didn't notice that sound effect the first time we watched the scene," they'll report, or "Looking just at the editing made me realize how carefully the scene was planned." They can pick out an amazing level of detail in a scene when they are concentrating on just one element. Students realize that they may have typically watched video scenes on a surface level—for example, focusing on the plane crash that opens the Lost episode. Paying attention to one textual element elevates their viewing to a new level.
We then move on to other kinds of texts. Soundtracks from films make great texts for this exercise because many of them include music with no lyrics. I've often used Dave Grusin's beautiful "Theme fromOn Golden Pond," asking students to list words that come to mind when listening to this work. Students rarely recognize at first what film this song is from, but it's amazing how the words they generate—water, family, transitions, rebirth—echo the themes from the film. After I reveal the source of the music, we talk about how a composer can make intentional use of textual elements—for example, very high notes on a piano to signify water.
Finally, we transfer to a print text. Copying the film activity, we read aloud a scene in a text we are studying and break into small groups that concentrate on just one element of the text—for example, the author's use of descriptive words, dialogue, or literary allusion. Once students are able to perceive and analyze the details evident in many different kinds of texts, we are moving toward the goal of close reading, no matter what kind of text they read.

Give Students Practice in Digital Writing

Relevant Common Core Standard:
  • Reading Standards, Craft and Structure, Standard 5, Grade 8. Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the differing structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style.
Anyone who has ever written for online publication knows that screen-based writing presents different challenges from those involved with page-based writing. For example, online writers need to understand when adding a hyperlink assists the message and when it detracts; they also need to consider graphic design and layout. The teachers I have observed spend time teaching their students to understand writing for online publication, including all the opportunities that such writing provides.
One of the assignments that I have done with preservice teachers—and have seen them go on to try with their own students—is the Multigenre Autobiography. This assignment requires students to use PowerPoint, Prezi, iMovie, Voicethread, or any number of such platforms to put together a presentation of texts from many genres that have shaped their lives. By doing this task, students get a chance to examine the ways they have been influenced by a variety of different kinds of texts and to compare and contrast the opportunities that each kind of text inherently offers. By creating the autobiography in a nonprint-dominated medium, students also practice digital writing.
As part of the assignment, students present their final autobiographies to the whole class and talk about the key pieces of music, art, video, print fiction, and print nonfiction that have shaped them as human beings. It is amazing to see the variety of genres that have influenced them—from very early books they remember, to special films they shared with their parents, to favorite television shows and songs. I remember well the muscular shot put thrower who described in his autobiography how much he still loves to watch movie musicals because that's what his parents watched with him when he was growing up. Or the 20-year-old woman who was completely engrossed with social networking via Facebook and Twitter and yet was most powerfully shaped by the music of the 1960s—texts that were created decades before she was born.
Going through this exercise is a kind of postmodern adventure as we demystify various kinds of texts and help students see our commonalities and differences as human beings who have grown up with a huge smorgasbord of texts.

Give Students Practice in Collaborative Writing

Relevant Common Core Standard:
  • Writing Standards, Production and Distribution of Writing, Standard 6, Grade 8. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
My most recent work has involved interviewing teachers who are attempting to use technology to break down barriers between cultures and set up true international collaborations. Crossing time zones has never been easier; the ease of communication afforded by the Internet has enabled teachers and their students to meet and work with their peers all over the world. The expectation that students will be able to work collaboratively shows up in curriculum documents around the world, so it makes sense that teachers in the United States are linking up with teachers in other countries to collaborate on projects. Although standardized assessments continue to be based on individual work, we know that our students will, with rare exceptions, be expected to work collaboratively on projects after they graduate. And those projects will frequently involve shaping and writing texts with others.
The famous Flat Classroom project, created by teachers Julie Lindsey and Vicki Davis, is an example of how international student-to-student projects often center on students creating texts together. One classroom, for example, may provide raw video footage that students have shot related to an assigned topic. Another classroom half a world away may then take that raw footage and edit it into a meaningful video.
Learning to piece together a storyline from raw footage helps students understand the concept of sequencing (including flashbacks and flashforwards), which is a key part of storytelling. In addition, as writing in a digital age has become more collaborative (see Wikipedia, for example), seeing how different teams of creators stitch together the raw footage into different narratives illuminates the power of multiple ideas and points of view.
The point is that teachers need to give students time and opportunity to write together. A simple strategy to start practice with collaborative writing is to have students, in small groups, circle interesting words they find in some text—and then challenge them to collaboratively write a poem based on the words that they have chosen together. I've discovered that some of the most effective techniques for getting students ready to read and write in a digital environment do not even involve new technology.

Give Students Practice Working with Informational Texts

Relevant Common Core Standard:
  • Reading Standards for Informational Text, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, Standard 7, Grades 11–12. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats (for example, visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a question or solve a problem.
Frequently, international classroom collaborations involve having students read and collaboratively build nonfiction texts, such as blogs or wikis. The old-fashioned research paper may now appear as a vibrant collection of links woven together with text describing the topic being researched. And the traditional textbook is being transformed as teachers assign students to write their own textbooks online.
For several years, Garth Holman has had his 7th grade social studies students at Beachwood Middle School near Cleveland, Ohio, work to create their own world history textbook. Holman and his students have transformed the traditional textbook into a vibrant, living document that is viewed by other students throughout the world. At the same time, the students have learned how to make good choices about the sources of their material. Their online textbook is an evolving document, demonstrating to students that knowledge isn't static. By building on the work of classes that have gone before them, the students learn about the malleable and, ultimately, collaborative nature of texts, even nonfiction ones.
In many of the international collaborations I have studied, the focus is on nonfiction reading and writing, with teachers selecting online texts that focus on a certain topic. For example, two teachers may create an international collaboration around a unit on oceanography. One teacher may select and bookmark blogs written on topics related to the ocean. Groups of students are then assigned to read these preselected blogs and comment on them. Having students read blogs from across the world is a common way to start international collaborations.
Blogs from institutes of oceanography, such as the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, California, and the South African Association for Marine Biological Research, to name two examples, are just a couple of keystrokes away. These completely current accounts of happenings in the field of oceanography can be not only the sources of the most up-to-date trends of the profession, but also the venues for practicing how to navigate the blogosphere.
Some teachers create collaborative research projects in which students who are far apart geographically contribute data from their respective homes. When studying cities, for example, each classroom might contribute data regarding local industry, recreation, and community demographics.

Not Gadgets, but Teaching

The four strategies described here are not difficult to implement and, ironically, can be attempted with little new technology. More powerful than a room full of gadgets is a teacher who has a deep understanding of what the new forms of reading and writing entail.
A whole host of fundamental literacy implications, as well as global implications, come naturally from a simple yet profound focus on reading texts deeply, writing for digital environments collaboratively, and reading and writing nonfiction texts. It's a hopeful sign that our first widely adopted national standards, the Common Core State Standards, support and even encourage the teaching of these important tasks.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Common in Common Core

The Common Core Standards allows for teachers and students, from many different parts of the United States to all be on the same page and working together for shared goals.  I chose to include Christina Hank's blog, found below, as an example of a teacher's lessons learned and experiences and work with the Common Core.

Defining “Deep Reading” and “Text-Dependent Questions”

In my English 10 class, I used to teach a lesson about satire through Dr. Seuss’ The Butter Battle Book.  To begin this lesson, I would tell students, “While this is, on one hand, a children’s book, it is also a satirical look at the Cold War era and arms races.  Let’s talk about what you already know about the Cold War,” and doing due diligence to pre-reading activities, we’d begin listing everything we knew about the Cold War era.
Then, we would read the book aloud together in its online format.  Afterward, returning to pre-reading activity in its post-reading form, we’d talk about what we learned in terms of satirical writing:  How did the characters represent the countries involved in the Cold War?  How did the weapons in the butter battle represent the nuclear arms race?  What do you think about the leaders in Cold War countries based on the way they are portrayed by Seuss?
Looking back on this lesson with my common core lenses, I took all the joy out of reading from my students.  Because I unlocked all the secrets of The Butter Battle Book for them and did all the work of dissecting the piece as part of my lesson planning, I left them with only the bones of a Thanksgiving turkey having picked away all the meaty parts myself.

Where I went astray of common core expectations.

What the common core asks us to do is to stop doing all of the work of reading for our students, to stop stealing the fun of reading and put it back in their hands.  We want them to explore, uncover the mysteries, inquire, and pick away at the text to figure it out.  You may have heard some of the controversy recently surrounding David Coleman, primary writer of the English language arts standards statements, and his seemingly anti-pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading comprehension strategies.  What Coleman and the common core standards want us to do is stop frontloading so much information because what we research and dig up to tell our students in an attempt to build context for a reading is information they can dig up on their own while we guide and facilitate their reading.  Oftentimes, in doing pre-reading activities, we give away all the answers, such was the case in my Butter Battle lesson, unfortunately.  When we ask students to complete anticipation guides in which we address the themes of a text, we are doing the work of finding the themes for them.
Deep reading, the kind of reading encouraged by common core standards, asks students to “read like a detective” (NYSED) where they are looking closely for details.  Kelly Gallagher (2004) describes deep reading in terms of baseball.  When he took his daughters to baseball games as children, they missed all the intricacies of the game such as the signals sent from the coach to the player on first base or secret signs passed around by the players:
Isn’t this how many secondary students read text?  They rarely get below the surface to the richer, deeper meaning of the text.  The think one reading is sufficient; they don’t have the skills to uncover the craft, the complexities, and the nuances of the text.  They can read and ‘comprehend,’ but they do so almost exclusively on a surface level.  They miss much of the deeper beauty of the game. (3)
Deep reading forces students to dig further into the text by asking them to re-read, re-visit, and search for the hidden intricacies of the text.

Deep reading through text-dependent questions, or “Another area where I went astray”

When I asked my students “How did the characters represent the countries involved in the Cold War?” they could answer without having to look back in the text.  In fact, because we had already discussed the Cold War and how the countries behaved, they could probably answer that question without having read The Butter Battle at all!  Again, my question itself did all of the work for the students; I left them no responsibility for dissecting the text.
A text-dependent question forces students to go back to the text.  It is a question they could not answer if they did not read, and even if they did read, they will still need to refer back to the text to answer the question.  In his research in both Texas and Vermont, Coleman found that 80% of the questions students in grades kindergarten through twelve were asked to answer did not require them to go back to the text.
To help teachers understand text-dependent questions,, created by the Student Achievement Partners, has created exemplar lesson plans and has published its “Guide to Creating Questions for Close Analytic Reading.”  Good text-dependent questions, according to the guide, cause students to do at least one of the following tasks:
  • Analyze paragraphs on a sentence by sentence basis and sentences on a word by word basis to determine the role played by individual paragraphs, sentences, phrases, or words
  • Investigate how meaning can be altered by changing key words and why an author may have chosen one word over another
  • Prove each argument in persuasive text, each idea in informational text, each key detail in literary text, and observe how these build to a whole
  • Examine how shifts in the direction of an argument or explanation are achieved and the impact of those shifts
  • Question why authors choose to being and end when they do
  • Note and assess patterns of writing and what they achieve
  • Consider what the text leaves uncertain or unstated
For a student to complete any of these tasks, he or she would have to read and comprehend the text and revisit the text to analyze it.  While asking these kinds of questions requires planning in advance–I know I would have a challenging time making them up on the spot!–it is a different kind of planning than we are used to because instead of preparing to give away all the information, we are planning to ask probing questions that guide students in uncovering the information.

What does deep reading do for our students?

Deep reading, text-dependent questions, and teaching them to uncover the mysteries of texts leads our students to become more critical readers.  Because they are doing the work of analyzing the text, the expectations of the common core are that students will become more critical consumers of texts in their college and careers—areas of their lives when they will not have teachers around to impart the secrets of texts to them before they read.
This kind of reading also relates to the writing expectations of the common core standards that require students to deeply analyze texts, to identify the author’s explicit argument and claims to support it.  If students are being asked to “read like detectives,” they are being asked to “write like investigative reporters,” which means building their own arguments in response to texts (NYSED video).

Reflection is the heart of our practice.

If I were to teach my Butter Battle lesson again, I would start with reading and get rid of all the frontloading.  I would present them with the whole Thanksgiving turkey and have them dig in on their own.  I would then guide their learning by pre-planning questions that make them dig deeper and deeper into the levels of meaning:  How does the use of the phrase “kinks in his soul” define the view the Yooks have of the Zooks?  What causes VanItch to “look quite sickly”?  What is Dr. Seuss saying through the growing intensity of the weapons?  Why does Dr. Seuss end the book with the “Big-Boy Boomeroo” standoff?
The common core standards ask us to change the kinds of questions we ask and to require our students to do more work on their own.  They ask us to let our students unravel the mysteries of reading.
Additional Resources
For more, this post by Tim Shanahan was absolutely fantastic!
This video of a high school English teacher leading a text-dependent analysis of Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” highlights how this strategy works in practice:

Gallagher, K. (2004).  Deeper reading:  Comprehending challenging texts. Portland, ME: Stenhouse.
NYSED. (2011, April 28).  Bringing the common core to life.  Video retrieved from

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Reading Like Detectives

The district's English Language Arts Curriculum Committee met several weeks ago to continue their work on designing Text Dependent Questions to be used in lessons that will bridge our current ELA, social studies and science adopted curriculum into the transition to the Common Core standards. To begin the work, members built an understanding of how to create Text Dependent Questions and help guide student thinking and learning through text based questions.  The following excerpt from, Teaching Students to Read Like Detectives written by authors Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, captures the essence of the focus and work being done by the committee.
"The types of questions that students are asked about a text influence how they read it. If students are asked recall and recitation questions, they learn to read for that type of information. If they are asked synthesis questions, they learn to read for that type of information. Unfortunately, many of the questions that students are asked are about personal connections, which may not even require that they have read the text at all. The architects of the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts are challenging the practice of asking students questions that can be answered without reading the text. They are pressing for questions that instead require students to locate evidence within the text. Those text-dependent questions require students to read carefully and produce evidence in their verbal and written responses. This is not to say that personal connections should be avoided at all costs—after all, readers naturally compare the information they are reading with their experiences. The argument for text dependent questions, however, asserts that discussions and writing prompts should focus on the text itself to build a strong foundation of knowledge. That purposefully built foundational knowledge can then be leveraged by learners to make personal connections that are meaningful and informed."
The following article includes further information on Text Dependent Questions.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Our Road to the Common Core

Welcome to the road to the Common Core Standards!  
The CJUSD has spent the 2012-2013 school year focused on raising awareness and sharing an overview to all stakeholders on the Common Core Standards.
An author from the handbook Core Stand wrote, "At this point, you may be experiencing one of two very common, but certainly not mutually exclusive, sets of reactions:
1. Resignation. More common among veteran teachers, this is the “I’ll just shut my door and hope it goes away” response. Movements come and go, you think, and this one will, too. Those experiencing this reaction may exhibit the following behaviors, especially in meetings: skeptical eyebrow raising, arm crossing, and silence. The drinking of exceptional amounts of coffee is not uncommon with this reaction.
2. Fear. Common especially among younger and untenured teachers, this is the “I’ll just do whatever I’m told” response. "These standards are freaking me out", you think, "but I don’t want anyone to know." Symptoms include, but are not limited to, nervous smiling, fidgeting, and unblinking eyes (a.k.a., assuming a “deer in the headlights” look). Stealth texting, especially in staff meetings, often accompanies this reaction. While both of the above responses to a national set of standards are quite common."

 There is a third path available to us we could look the standards in the eye and DRIVE!
This blog has been set up as a place to focus on our district's road to the Common Core.  

You may find new information, pose questions, and locate resources 
that will help you map out what your understanding and implementation to the Common Core.