Monday, August 12, 2013

Smarter Balanced-Practice Test

The sample items and performance tasks provide an early look into the depth of understanding of the CCSS that will be measured by the Smarter Balanced assessment system. While the items and tasks are not intended to be used as sample tests, educators can use them to begin planning the shifts in instruction that will be required to help students meet the demands of the new assessments.
The practice tests include questions with the same features that students will experience in 2014-15, including
  • Selected response items
  • Constructed response items
  • Technology enhanced items
  • Performance tasks (currently, the practice tests include performance tasks for ELA/Literacy, math performance tasks will be added by the end of summer)

Performance tasks allow teachers to dig into the Common Core and learn more about how the standards will be assessed.  Performance tasks include activities that involve significant interaction of students with stimulus materials and/or engagement in problem solving.  
The practice tests provide a preview of SBAC, but they do not encompass the full range of content the students will encounter, and should not be used to guide instructional decisions.  However, they provide an important opportunity for teachers, students, parents, and other interested parties to experience the features of online testing and gain insight into how Smarter Balanced will assess students' mastery of the Common Core.
The sample items and tasks can be found at    (Select "sign in" as a GUEST)